

QuickFlash is an open-source C++ analysis library for Paramesh-structured HDF5 data files produced by Flash, an Eulerian hydrodynamics code with adaptive mesh refinement developed by the ASC/Alliances Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes (the "Flash Center") at the University of Chicago. QuickFlash provides high-performance data access and processing routines for large, multi-dimensional datasets in environments where memory and access to other software may be limited, such as on desktop computers or parallel supercomputer nodes.

The core of the QuickFlash library focuses on direct access to data stored in AMR blocks, as well as efficient means of locating the desired data by spatial coordinates. QuickFlash uses caches and read-ahead buffers to provide fast, on-demand loading of block data while limiting the demands on memory and disk access. The API includes simple access functions to AMR tree information for the purpose of quickly locating block indexes, as well as for traversing the tree by branch and node.

QuickFlash includes higher level functionality, including slicing, binning, and isosurface construction routines. When compiled with the optional ImageMagick C++ bindings (Magick++), QuickFlash can be used to generate images from data with continous, user-defined colormaps. Example applications provided with the library include slicing, raytracing, fractal boxcounting, and isosurface utilities.

The QuickFlash library is released under Version 2 of the GNU General Public License. In short, this license gives you freedom to use, modify, and distribute the software as you wish, as long as any distributed versions of the code are offered under the same terms with prominant notices of any modifications to the code.

QuickFlash can be obtained from the SourceForge download page. Additional assistance can be obtained through the Flash-Users mailing list or by using the SourceForge forums.

If you find QuickFlash useful, please register your name and email address with the maintainer according to the README file included with the library. Your information will not be shared with third parties, but knowing the number of active users of the code will help in supporting continued development of the code.

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Code Description
Installing QuickFlash
QuickFlash Example Applications
QuickFlash Reference and Coding Standards
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Nathan C. Hearn
Computational and Information Systems Laboratory
National Center for Atmospheric Research

Rayleigh-Taylor Visualization

Density field around blast-wave driven Rayleigh-Taylor spike.
Simulation by Nathan C. Hearn / ASC Flash Center.

Last modified: Thu Jan 22 05:34:34 MST 2009